The panda party is back, with pandas returning to Washington’s National Zoo by the end of the year

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WASHINGTON — Six months after the nation’s capital said goodbye to giant pandas, the National Zoo is expecting another wave of panda fever as the zoo announced two more black-and-white pandas will arrive in Washington. The panda party is back, with pandas returning to Washington’s National Zoo by the end of the year The zoo … Read more

Movie review: ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ is a sweet, funny, well-executed pass on the torch

Po, our trustworthy, rounded hero in Kung Fu Panda 4, is at a crossroads in his career, and he’s nervous. “Change is not necessarily a bad thing,” he was told. Kung Fu Panda 4 also finds the series at an inflection point, but there’s no reason to be nervous. DreamWorks knows what it’s doing. ultra … Read more